The task of forming electronic files in the electronic document flow system


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management documentation support, electronic document, details of an electronic file, metadata, electronic document management system, nomenclature of files, formation of an electronic file, theory of predicates, binary comparison


In connection with the transition of organizations and enterprises of the country from paper to electronic document management and the adoption of regulatory requirements for electronic document management systems and archival storage, the task of creating electronic files becomes relevant. The paper proposes an approach to solving the problem of generating electronic files, which is characterized by sufficient generality and simplicity in the creation of algorithmic and (or) software. The task of forming electronic files is solved by implementing a sequence of operations for binary (paired) comparison of the metadata of an electronic document within the existing (ordered in some way) feature space. Within the framework of the proposed approach, it is possible to obtain in an explicit form the conditions for the belonging of an electronic document to the corresponding electronic file. Fulfillment (non-fulfillment) of these conditions is equivalent to the truth (falsehood) of some very specific predicate, and the structure of this predicate makes it possible to implement the mentioned sequence of comparison operations. In practice, the approach allows you to effectively solve the problem of automated distribution of an electronic document in electronic cases, when some of the details of the electronic document are known.


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How to Cite

Amanov Н., Dzhaparov Б., & Nurbatyrova Р. (2023). The task of forming electronic files in the electronic document flow system. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 120(4), 92–101.