
  • L. N. Temirbekova Kazakh national pedagogical university named after Abai, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • E. A. Malgazhdarov S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan University, Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk

        115 83


numerical solution, curvilinear area, sweep method, alternating direction method, partial differential equations, curved mesh, difference schemes


The article concerns methods of a structural curvilinear grid constructing in areas of geometrically complex shape and its evaluation from the quality point of view. Equidistribution methods based on differential equations were used to construct the grid at the boundary and inside the region. The numerical solution of differential equations was realized by the finite difference method. For the problems of uniform arrangement of grid nodes on the boundary and for the problems of constructing curved grids inside the region, implicit difference schemes were constructed and methods of scalar sweep and alternating directions were used. The results of numerical calculations are obtained and graphs of curved grids are presented for different numbers of grid nodes. The quality of the grid was studied according to four criteria such as orthogonality, elongation, convexity and adaptability, which corresponds to the division of the considered area into equal subdomains, i.e. cells.


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How to Cite

Temirbekova, L. N., & Malgazhdarov, E. A. (2021). CREATION AND EVALUATION OF THE STRUCTURES GRID IN CURVILINEAR AREAS. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 111(3), 122–131.