Using the boundary elements approach to solve the problems of liquid filtration via the dam


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liquid filtration, dam, barrage, defected basin, wetting, boundary elements approach


The work deals with the method and programs to calculate the liquid filtration via the dam, with allowing for the events of their possible damage. On the base of the boundary elements approach the method to calculate the flow of a liquid via the dam in the presence of a watertight fitting member was conducted. Using the numeric test, the free boundary position at the liquid filtration via the dam with the defected upper and lower basins was received and provisional analysis with the outcomes, received in the event of the defect of the upper dam basin only, was conducted. The primary free surface position has been determined arbitrarily. The boundary elements disposition drawing for the soil unit at the stream with the free area via the barrage with the defected upper (at the top) and lower barrage basins has been developed with allowing for reaching the optimal computing time. The boundary elements disposition drawing for the soil unit at the stream with the free area via the barrage with the defected upper (in the middle) and lower dam basins has been developed for the same considerations. The application was created in Delphi 7 visual programming environment. The main calculated outcomes were compared for the potential at the stream with the free area via the barrage with the defected only upper basin made earlier and for the barrage with the defected upper and lower basins. The outcomes show that in the event with the upper dam basin defect there is more wetting of the soil than in the event with the defect of both dam basins. It can be explained by the fact that the liquid stream at the defect lower dam basin will be faster and wetting of the soil will be less. The results of submitted paper can be useful in engineering practice for designing the soil dams.


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How to Cite

Muratov, A. S., Kalbayeva, A. T., Kurakbayeva, S. D., & Kalbayeva, A. T. (2020). Using the boundary elements approach to solve the problems of liquid filtration via the dam. Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 108(4), 99–107.