On conditions for the finiteness of the spectrum of a second order differential operator with integral boundary conditions



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differential operator with integral boundary conditions, finiteness or infinity of the spectrum, transformation operators, Volterra boundary value problems


In this paper we study the question of the finiteness of the spectrum of a second-order differential operator generated in the space $H=L_2(0,1)$ by integral boundary conditions. We have shown that the spectrum of such an operator is either infinite or empty. Previously, this result was known only in the case of two- or three-point boundary conditions. Next, we obtained a necessary and sufficient condition for the spectrum to be empty in terms of a system of two equations for the potential $q$ and the functions $\sigma_1$ and $\sigma_2$ that define the integral boundary conditions. The left-hand side of the first of these equations for each fixed $q$ is a bilinear form with respect to $\sigma_1$ and $\sigma_2$. This allows us to resolve the indicated equation for $\sigma_1$ within a certain neighborhood of the zero $U$ of the space $H^3$. This scheme is not applicable to the second equation, but it is possible to identify a fairly wide class of functions $(q,\sigma_1\sigma_2)\in U$, on which this equation turns into an identity. Next we explore the question: can the operator in question have an empty spectrum if the functions $\sigma_1, \sigma_2$ are not necessarily close to zero (in the space $H^2$)? We have constructed a class of functions $\sigma_1$ and $\sigma_2$ (in the form of polynomials with arbitrarily large norms) such that the spectrum of the corresponding operator is empty. The operating technique can be extended to the case when $H=L_2(\gamma)$, where $\gamma$ is a curve with a limited slope (that is, the absolute value of the slope of any chord of this curve does not exceed a certain number).

Author Biography

Kh.K. Ishkin, Ufa University of Science and Technology, Ufa, Russia

Ishkin Khabir Kabirovich- Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Ufa University of Science and Technology (Ufa, Russia, email: ishkin62@mail.ru)


How to Cite

Ishkin Х. (2025). On conditions for the finiteness of the spectrum of a second order differential operator with integral boundary conditions: . Journal of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, 124(4), 26–37. https://doi.org/10.26577/JMMCS2024-v124-i4-a2